3 ways to give
Our People's Fundraising site is an easy way to donate online
2) setting up a standing order or a one off money transfer
Name: Global Rehabilitation R/C 1178992
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account number: 65858093
If you set up a standing order we would love to hear from you so you can receive our newsletter and keep in touch. Please send us an email at globalrehabilitationuk@gmail.com
Please click on the button at the bottom to download the Gift Aid form and send back to us if you are a UK taxpayer and we will receive an extra 25%.
Write a cheque made payable to Global Rehabilitation and send to Professor M A Chamberlain, Academic Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, D Floor Martin Wing, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds LS1 3EX. (If we are currently in Lockdown then please send instead to Prof M.A.Chamberlain at 7 The Drive, Roundhay, Leeds LS8 1JF)
Use the Gift Aid form and send back to us if you are a UK taxpayer and we will receive an extra 25%.